# File: p_info.txt # This file is used to initialize the "lib/data/p_info.raw" file, which is # used to initialize the "player race" information for the Angband game. # Do not modify this file unless you know exactly what you are doing, # unless you wish to risk possible system crashes and broken savefiles. # After modifying this file, delete the "lib/data/p_info.raw" file. # Format: # N:race number:race name # S:str:int:wis:dex:con:chr # R:dis:dev:sav:stl:srh:fos:thn:thb # X:hitdie:expbase:infra # I:history:agebase:agemod # H:hgtmale:hgtfemale # W:wgtmale:wgtfemale # F:racial flags # C:classes (numeric) # Version stamp (required) V:2.9.1 N:0:Human S:0:0:0:0:0:0 R:0:0:0:0:0:10:0:0 X:10:100:0 I:1:14:6 H:72:6:66:4 W:180:25:150:20 C:0|1|2|3|4|5 N:1:Half-Elf S:-1:1:0:1:-1:1 R:2:3:3:1:6:11:-1:5 X:9:110:2 I:4:24:16 H:66:6:62:6 W:130:15:100:10 C:0|1|2|3|4|5 N:2:Elf S:-1:2:1:1:-2:1 R:5:6:6:1:8:12:-5:15 X:8:120:3 I:7:75:75 H:60:4:54:4 W:100:6:80:6 F:RES_LITE C:0|1|2|3|4 N:3:Hobbit S:-2:2:1:3:2:1 R:15:18:18:4:12:15:-10:20 X:7:110:4 I:10:21:12 H:36:3:33:3 W:60:3:50:3 F:SUST_DEX C:0|1|3 N:4:Gnome S:-1:2:0:2:1:-2 R:10:12:12:3:6:13:-8:12 X:8:125:4 I:13:50:40 H:42:3:39:3 W:90:6:75:3 F:FREE_ACT C:0|1|2|3 N:5:Dwarf S:2:-3:2:-2:2:-3 R:2:9:9:-1:7:10:15:0 X:11:120:5 I:16:35:15 H:48:3:46:3 W:150:10:120:10 F:RES_BLIND C:0|2 N:6:Half-Orc S:2:-1:0:0:1:-4 R:-3:-3:-3:-1:0:7:12:-5 X:10:110:3 I:19:11:4 H:66:1:62:1 W:150:5:120:5 F:RES_DARK C:0|2|3 N:7:Half-Troll S:4:-4:-2:-4:3:-6 R:-5:-8:-8:-2:-1:5:20:-10 X:12:120:3 I:22:20:10 H:96:10:84:8 W:250:50:225:40 F:SUST_STR C:0|2 N:8:Dunadan S:1:2:2:2:3:2 R:4:5:5:2:3:13:15:10 X:10:180:0 I:1:50:20 H:82:5:78:6 W:190:20:180:15 F:SUST_CON C:0|1|2|3|4|5 N:9:High-Elf S:1:3:-1:3:1:5 R:4:20:20:3:3:14:10:25 X:10:200:4 I:7:100:30 H:90:10:82:10 W:190:20:180:15 F:RES_LITE | SEE_INVIS C:0|1|2|3|4